Reporting & Assessment

At the College, assessment:

  • focuses on student achievement of learning (planned/unplanned)
  • provides evidence that student achievements are consistently judged in accordance with prescribed learnings
  • is comprehensive – that is comprise a range of evidence of student achievement
  • provides information on student progress and needs, intervention strategies and allocation of resources
  • informs future programs of teaching and learning
  • provides evidence for audits that check for curriculum consistency
  • is valid and produces reliable

At each year level reporting:

  • occurs twice per year through a written format (Term 2 and 4)
  • occurs through Parent / Teacher / Student Conferences
  • is communicated using a 5 point scale
  • communicates information on the student’s achievements against the sets of core learnings planned for that reporting period;
  • indicates if there is insufficient evidence for an assessment to be made.

The 5 point scale in each year level is as follows:

  • Well Above Standard
  • Above Standard
  • At Standard
  • Working Towards Standard
  • Below Standard
  • Individual assistance required (student is on either an IEP or LP)

Years 11 and 12

Reporting in Years 11 and 12 is based on the standards listed in the Tasmanian Assessment, Standards and Certification (TASC) Course Documents:

  • A: Progressing towards a A rating on criterion
  • B: Progressing towards a B rating on criterion
  • C: Progressing towards a C rating on criterion
  • t: Achievement is less than the standard specified for a C rating
  • z: No evidence of achievement

Parent / Teacher Interviews

Formal whole school Parent / Teacher Interviews are held each year. Students are included in this interview process.